10 French Words that You Must Know

French is one of the world's major languages and is a language that descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire. French is an official language in 29 countries of the world, spread across multiple languages. 

The first document presumed to written in French is dated back to 842 AD.

French phonology is characterized by significant changes in the sounds of words, one of the many reasons that make the language soothing to the ears! The French language, due to its melodic phonology is also widely regarded as the language of love or the language of romance! šŸ‘€

The Tipsy Marketer has listed out 10 French Words that you must know. And we hope this will help you speak the language of love more fluentlyšŸ˜‰

1. Bonjour

Bonjour is one of the many ways to say Hello in French and is certainly the most popular word used as a literal translation of "Hello"

2. S'il vous plaƮt / s'il te plaƮt

Being polite is an underlying rule of speaking French, and saying "Please" will only increase your chances of getting a sweet reply!

3. Comment dit-on __ en franƧais?

What if you run out of words in your French vocabulary. Well, this phrase translates to "How do you say __ in French?" and can turn out to be extremely handy when speaking to someone fluent in speaking French.

4. OĆ¹ estā€¦?

This phrase translates to "Where is ...?" and is a life-saver if you ever get lost on your trip to France!

5. C'est combien?

France is a beautiful country, but it surely isn't among the cheapest. So to help you bargain when in France, this phrase translates to "How much is it?"

6. La carte/le menu, sā€™il vous plaĆ®t.

France is famous for its cuisine and the last thing you'd want is to be unable to ask for a menu card at your favorite French restaurant. For all you foodies, this phrase translates to "The menu, please!"

7. Je t'aime

Wouldn't you want to use your newfound French skills to woo that special someone? We got you covered, Je t'aime translates to "I Love You" in the language of romance!

8. Pardon

Whether you bumped into someone in a crowded train or failed to understand someone speaking French faster than a bullet train, just say "Pardon" and all will be forgiven.

9. Comment allez-vous?

This is a polite way of enquiring about someone's well being and literally translates to "How are you?"

10. Merci beaucoup

This phrase translates to "Thank you" in English. 

Merci beaucoup for reading through the blog and we hope you learnt something new today!

Do let us know some of your favourite French words in the comments section!


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    Today i got very unknown information.



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