Impact of Kotlin on Android Development

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and the JVM version of Kotlin's standard library depends on the Java Class Library, but type inference allows its syntax to be more concise. It's developed by JetBrains.

Kotlin was invented to solve developer challenges of JetBrains. They needed a simpler tool than Java to work with their main product, called IntelliJ IDEA, totally written using it. The guys investigated the alternatives, stayed unsatisfied, and decided to invent their own language.

The development of Kotlin started in 2010. Six years later, in February 2016, we saw the appearance of the first Kotlin version – 1.0. In 2017, at Google I/O annual conference, Kotlin was announced as an
 official language for Android development.

Why Kotlin?

Kotlin can be used for any kind of development, be it server-side, client-side web, and Android. With Kotlin/Native currently in the works, support for other platforms such as embedded systems, macOS and iOS is coming. You can find more details here.

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019, Kotlin became fourth-most loved among the developers worldwide and it is also counted among Top Paying Technology is learning Kotlin is worthwhile.

Top Apps That Migrated from Java to Kotlin

1.       Uber

2.       Pinterest

3.       Basecamp 3

4.       Gradle

5.       Coursera

6.       Kickstarter

7.       Evernote

8.       Corda

9.       Shadowsocks

10.   Simple Calendar

And more.

Features of Kotlin:

Let’s now get into the details of the various features.

1.  Concise: Kotlin is more concise than Java and you would need to write approximately 40% fewer lines of code when compared to Java.

2.   Interoperability: Kotlin programming language is highly interoperable with Java. You will never face any difficulty using Kotlin in a Java project.

3.   Feature-rich: Kotlin provides several advanced features such as Operator overloading, Lambda expressions, String templates, etc.

4.   Easy: Kotlin is easy to learn programming language. If you have come from a Java background, you would find it easy to learn Kotlin.

5.   Less error-prone: Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language, which makes you able to catch errors at compile-time, as Statically typed programming languages do type checking at compile-time.

Why bother migrating your Android app to Kotlin?

Many Android developers are adopting Kotlin because it is backed by Google. All of Google’s samples are in Kotlin, with a Java equivalent option for some examples. Many of the new Android libraries are being written in Kotlin. Many of the new Android libraries are being written in Kotlin.

Here are the Kotlin features that can help mobile developers build superior apps:

1.       Code Size

One of the most attractive Kotlin features for developers is that it reduces code length. With this reduced length, you have better chances of improving quality and operations. Kotlin basically makes coding efficient and testing near perfect. Use of Smart Cast, Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas all help for the reduction of code size.

2.       Interoperability between Java & Kotlin

If you want to access a Kotlin method from a Java class or vice versa, you can do it without any extra parameters. You can easily compile your single project in both languages with the help of the interoperability function, which allows you to switch the programming language without switching the codes. Even Android Studio gives the option to convert your JAVA file to a Kotlin file.

3.       Compile-Time Error catching

Kotlin's type system is aimed at eliminating the danger of null references from code, also known as The Billion Dollar Mistake. In Kotlin, you can easily identify the NullPointerException while compiling your project. This ensures every variable work as a non-null, thus reducing the number of crashes at run-time. If you have to deal with a null in code, Kotlin gives you few Null Safety features to handle null values.

You can see the Official documentable of Kotlin Android here.


Er. Hemant Mochemadkar
(Sr. Android & Flutter Developer)
