Battle of the Sexes: Interesting Men vs Women Facts

Men and Women are different in so many ways and these differences are crucial in mays ways to their co-existence. The human body has evolved in fascinating ways to aid in roles typically carried out by each of the genders.
Let us have a closer look at some of the glaring differences and understand ourselves a little better!
  • Male brain size is 10% larger than female (But it does not impact intelligence, duh!)

  • To process any information, men usually use left brain while women use both the hemispheres

  • Females have a deeper limbic system than males hence are more emotional (We knew that since eternity!)

  • Every woman goes through menopause while in the case of men, not everyone goes through andropause

  • Estrogen decreases rapidly after the age of 40 in women, but in the case of men, testosterone decreases glacially from the age of 30

  • Women are twice as likely to develop clinical depression and anxiety as men

  • Men have more red blood cells than women

  • Men are less sensitive to cold environments than women

  • Women hear like bats! Yes, you heard that right. This is because they have 11% more neurons than men that are responsible for hearing and verbal abilities

  • A female’s heart is about 2/3 of a male’s heart. There we know now; men have bigger hearts <3

  • Women age faster (rather sad news ☹) but wait, women also have an average life expectancy which is 5 years longer than men. (So, we still win)

Infographic showing differences in men and women


  • Women typically say over 7000 words per day while men say over 2000 words per day

  • It takes 15 minutes for a man to decide if he wants a second date while women take more than an hour

  • Study shows that men are attracted towards women wearing red, while women are attracted to a man wearing blue 

  • Men can fall in love in just 3 dates while women fall in love after 14 dates

Do you want to forget your ex? Try remembering them more!

Wait, I am not crazy for saying this. So, follow this, when you want to forget someone, try to expose yourself with every memory you have had with that person. Do it over and over again because our brain gets bored when we feed the same information repeatedly to it. It adapts to the stimulants and eventually the feelings fade because it becomes mundane.

I personally liked this one, you never know you might end up creating new memories in those old spots again and move on 😉

Psychologically Speaking:

  • While men are eager to understand “How things work?”, women want to learn “How it benefits?” 

  • Men respond to facts while women respond to stories

  • Men think asking for help is a weakness while women believe that it is efficient to do so

  • Men get a positive boost from competition and fights, while women associate them with fear, stress or anxiety

  • Men express themselves physically and women (we know this of course!) verbally

  • Men lie twice as often as women (shots fired!) 

  • Men only use half their brain while listening, the other half tends to think about something else

  • Men tend to observe moving objects. So, ladies, if you want to catch his eye, try dancing

Around the World! 

  • There are only 4% of women CEO’s in the Fortune 500 companies

  • Worldwide only 63% of companies comply with maternity leave while only 28% of employed women enjoy paid maternity leave

  • Husbands can legally prevent their wives from working in 18 countries globally

  • Only 67% of countries have laws against gender discrimination

But the showstopper is: The male and female DNA is 98.5 per cent identical! 

We hope you enjoyed our collection of facts, we definitely were astounded to know these differences! Do let us know, in the comments section, if you have come across any other such point that makes us different, in spite of being 98.5% similar!

The Tipsy Marketer is hungry to write on your favourite topic next, do help us out in understanding your interests better, in the comments section!

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  1. Fascinating facts. Very helpful.

  2. So much i didn't know about!!
    Great facts...Keep writing and sharing looking forward for more articles like this!!

    1. Hey Adithiyaa, thanks for your response! We will keep our content machine running to churn out the best articles, stay tuned!

  3. We can't say who's the best but both of them are equally important to balance the world! It was a nice read! Keep it up 👏👏👏

    1. Hi Amey, thanks for your feedback and totally agree with you here :)


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