How To Lose Weight - Weight Loss Tips that Actually Work!


Do you have trouble losing that stubborn weight? Would you like to burn the body fat? Would you like to lose weight faster? Well, we are here to guide you with some simple weight loss tips that won’t make you feel all drained from extensive workouts and help you come in shape in no time. 

Kickstart your Day with a Workout  💪

If you want to start a workout regimen, try working out in the mornings. Early exercise will help you get more energy, focus, and optimism to start the day. Plus, you're more likely to eat well after a morning workout and stay productive throughout the day.

Try Fasting at Regular Time Periods:

Research indicates that occasional 24-hour fasting can improve cardiovascular well-being. This promotes blood sugar control preventing low or high blood sugar levels. Intermittent fasting has also proven to reduce bad LDL cholesterol. Short term fasting will boost your metabolism and limit calorie intake. There are various types of fasting like water fasting, partial fasting, or juice fasting which will help you lose body fat.

Eat Slowly:

Fast eaters are up to 115 percent more likely to be obese than slower eaters. One of the simplest yet most powerful things you can do to boost your overall health is to learn to eat more slowly. Your digestion suffers if you rush your meals. Hence eat slowly which makes you digest better and maintain weight more easily. Eating slowly will also give you a greater sense of satisfaction. So, chew more and lose more is your guru mantra. 

Create a Balanced Diet Chart 

No single food can provide all the dietary requirements of the human body; hence it is advised to have a healthy diet composed of macronutrients such as protein, carbs, and healthy fat coupled with micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. One’s calorie and nutrition requirements can vary depending on factors like age, gender, lifestyle, and also geography. Here is a plan that I followed for over 6 months and reduced 8 kgs (Yaay!). Alter this plan according to your requirements and create a healthy diet plan.

My Diet Plan for Weight Loss

7 AM: Methi dana water, Dry fruits/sprouts

9 AM: For breakfast, 1 besan chilla / 2 Boiled Eggs / poha

12 Noon: For a snack, a bowl of papaya

1:30-3 PM: For lunch, dal + 1 cup rice + veg + salad / buttermilk

4-6 PM: For a snack, watermelon juice / 1 cup green tea/banana

7-9 PM: For dinner, boiled chicken (5-6 pcs) + salad / 2 dal chilla

Drink Green Tea 🍵

A report by the University of Maryland Medical Centre advises drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea in one day is adequate to support weight reduction. The precise quantity can differ based on their own physiology, from person to person. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and has many health benefits like weight loss, lower risk of heart diseases, aging, etc. Green tea boosts metabolism and fat burning especially in the abdominal area. Shincha, organic green tea, and green tea with lemon should be a part of your balanced diet. 

Do Aerobic Exercise 🏃

In aerobic exercise, oxygen is used to burn the fats. During which your heart rate and breathing rate will increase which will keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Examples of aerobic exercise include spinning, running, swimming, plank exercise, leg exercise, dancing, hiking, etc. You can jump rope at your home for 20 mins daily along with squats and pushups and include 20 mins walk in your daily fitness plan. 

Increase your Protein Intake:

People who want to lose weight also plan to follow a high protein diet. Eating protein makes a person feel full, which may lead them to consume less calorie count. A high protein diet will help build lean muscles if combined with regular exercise. High protein diets typically contain significant quantities of protein and only a tiny amount of carbohydrate. Try to include 25-30 grams of protein in each meal.

High Protein Foods for Weight Loss Include:

  1. Eggs
  2. Black Beans
  3. Legumes
  4. Chicken & Pork
  5. Paneer, Milk, and Cheese
  6. Peas
  7. Greek Yoghurt
  8. Lentils
  9. Oats
  10. Seafood

Avoid Sugary Drinks  ❌

What your drink could have a stronger impact on your weight loss regime than what you eat. According to research, it shows that skipping those sugar-filled soft drinks seem to have a lot more impact than cutting down on solid foods.

Sugar-based beverages not only contain a great amount of sugar, which could lead to a number of health problems, but many of these drinks are soda-based, and that brings its own set of problems along. Not to forget, alcoholic drinks and liquor-based drinks not only add to your body weight but also damage and burden your internal organs, such as the liver.

Liquid calories could amount to a significant portion of one’s calorie intake if consuming sugary carbonated drinks becomes a part of our daily routine. To summarize our recommendation, it is highly effective to cut down on soft drinks and sweet beverages to make your weight loss journey a lot more efficient!

Drinking-Water To Lose Weight !!!

Drinking water has been linked to losing those extra pounds for many centuries. Drinking larger quantities of water is known to increase the number of calories burnt by the body, also referred to as resting energy expenditure. In adults, the resting energy expenditure increases by 24% to 30% within 10 minutes of drinking water and the effect lasts for about an hour. Drinking warm water before meals also aid in weight loss as it suppresses our hunger pangs and we end up eating only as much required!

Water also helps to improve the digestion process and in turn, helps burn more calories!

Simple and effective, right?!

A Good Sleep is All You Need :)

Giving your body enough rest is crucial and rather overlooked the aspect of weight loss worldwide. Researchers have found that the amount of fat burnt by your body could reduce up to 55% if dieters cut back on their sleep for a 14-day period.
Sleep is like nutrition for your brain and this is directly linked to your body’s metabolism, which in turn affects your weight loss.

So, the next time you plan to stay up to binge your favorite TV series, or watch your favorite football team play, put your weight loss regime on priority, and don’t skip on your sleep!

It is important to remember that the most effective weight loss results from lifestyle changes and healthier food habits that can stay with you over time, not from diets that make you feel depressed or contribute to outbreaks of binge eating. So adopting a series of healthy habits will help you in a long term weight loss regime rather than making radical changes to your diet plan. 

Choose a couple of the above suggestions to start with, then continue to come back and add more to your lifestyle and rock that pretty summer dress!

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  1. Health is important aspects of our life plus in the time of this pandemic everyone can surely make use of this information because almost everyone I know saying that they are becoming fat day by day.


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