How to Deal with Depression in these Pandemic Times?

During this unprecedented time of uncertainty and fear of this pandemic, it is very well anticipated that people around the globe might experience mental health issues. There is a lot of fear and anxiety about this pandemic COVID’19 with it being a new disease and people being bombarded with a daily dose of casualties around the globe which is overwhelming in its own way. These times can cause strong emotional waves and not everyone can handle such levels of stress in mental, economic or social terms.

As this crisis is evolving, it is vital to address its adverse impact on our mental health which could be multifactorial. COVID’19 poses a great threat on our emotional well being and it is paramount that we keep the conversation open on mental health issues. Corona virus has impacted various industries globally which include transport, tourism, aviation, automobile, etc. and has led to a surge in the unemployment rate. Research indicates that job losses are correlated with increased depression, anxiety, frustration and lower self-esteem. WHO has made depression as one of their priority campaign, and devised a programme called mental health gap action(mhGAP) because globally more than 264 million people of all ages are suffering from depression. This suggests a need for a more comprehensive and quantitative evaluation of the population's psychological needs, which will help the government devise tailored solutions for the individuals affected.

Common symptoms of depression are:

  • Insomnia and Restlessness
  • Loss of appetite or over-eating
  • Increased Fatigue
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Suicidal thoughts or sadness
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Indecisiveness and overthinking
  • Low self-esteem
  • Experiencing frequent agitation or irritation
  • Rumination
  • Loss of interest or pleasure

How to take care of your mental health?

Firstly, we need to understand that everyone reacts to stress differently and how we react to depression depends on several factors like our family background, any previous health conditions, economic stability, etc. People with pre-existing health issues are more vulnerable in such times. The effects of such strong feelings can be short term or ling term depending on our responsiveness. By constantly following some simple but optimistic steps, you will quickly detach yourself from the dark cloud of despair and find yourself feeling happy and confident again.

Adopt these ways to cope up with stress:
  • Be aware of your mental and physical health
  • Practice meditation on a regular basis
  • Exercise regularly
  • Stay hydrated
  • Listen to soothing music (clinically proven to calm your mind)
  • Get a balanced diet
  • Connect with people who uplift your mood

I personally recommend keeping a gratitude journal. No matter how meaningless life may seem this little activity may give you a whole new perspective on life. Just note down all the good things that are happening in your life, be it the smallest cup of perfect coffee you brewed or the promotion you got in your company or a newly added song in your playlist. On the days you are melancholic, just open this journal/dairy and read through any page. This helps me getting thrown off by daily stress, infusing the appreciativeness in me by making me self-aware. This radically aids in reducing the stress levels. Everyone needs a win, be it small or big, it gives us a feeling of accomplishment and maintaining such a journal can benefit you develop a more positive attitude.

Connecting with your friends and family will get you a sense of relief but knowing when and how to seek help is cardinal. The key to treating depression is just to be open, loving and accepting yourself to be more constructive. We hope this will help you in filling your tank mentally, physically and emotionally. Depression and COVID’19 are a disastrous combination but remember you are stronger than that.

Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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  1. Thank for this info. People are starting to feel like thay are caged because of this pandemic which leads to more mental health issues. Very useful content.


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