15 Interesting Facts about Mahabharata

Mahabharata is an incredible epic that continues to fascinate people even after thousands of years. It is a huge treasure house of knowledge and wisdom and is considered holy by the Hindus because of Gita's narration. There are many unknown and interesting facts about this great epic written by Ved Vyas.

King Pandu 's five learned and skilful sons were known as the Pandavas. King Pandu's two wives were Princess Kunti and Madri of Madra Desh. The names of Pandavas are Yudhisthir, Bhim, Arjun, Nakul, and Sahdev; Born to Kunti were Yudhisthir, Bhim and Arjun, and twins Nakul and Sahdev were born to Madri. 

Here are the 15 facts 👇

1. All of us know that there were 100 Kauravas. But do you know that in reality there were 101!

Kauravas had a sister named “Dushala”.

2. Jarasandha – the king of Magadha was born in 2 halves!

A rakshasi named “Jara” found the 2 halves and fused them together and hence was named after her. The meaning of Jarasandha is "the one who is joined by Jara".

3. Surprisingly, Jarasandha was killed in the same way as he was born – in two halves!

4. Yuyutsu – stepbrother of Kauravas was the only child of Dhritarashtra who fought for the Pandavas.

5. Sahadev ate his father Pandu’s brain after he was dead from a curse!

Pandu instructed Sahadev to eat his brain, following this incident, Sahadev was enlightened with past, present, and future events.

6. Not Arjun but Eklavya was the best archer in the world ( before he lost his thumb as a Guru Dakshina to Dronacharya)

7. The Kurukshetra war lasted for 18 days.

8. Draupadi washed her hair with Dushyasans’s blood. After the “Cheerharan”, Draupadi vowed that she will not wash/tie her hair until Dushyasana is dead.

9. Dushyasana was killed by Bheem.

10. Ved Vyas – the writer of Mahabharata, was the father of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidur

11. Pitamaha Bhishma was the son of Ganga ( the river/apsara) and King Shantanu.

12. Subhadra was Arjuna’s wife and Lord Krishna’s sister

13. Bheema killed all 99 Kaurava brothers

14. Bheema’s wife Hidimba was a witch! They had a son named Ghatotkach.

15. In the end, the Pandavas leave for the Himalayas after ruling Hastinapura for 36 years. All the Pandavas died during their journey but only Yudhishthira survived and made it to heaven.

These are some of the most interesting facts about Mahabharata. Do let us know your favorite fact in the comments section below!

We would be happy to learn some more facts from you, about the great epic Mahabharata, in the comments! Happy reading!

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  1. Mahabharta as well other scripture proves that gods tried to make Arjuna the best archer which he was not. For me, Karna was the best warrior. Better than anyone. (Except Lord Krishna ofcourse)


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