5 Strangest Places on Earth You Probably Didn't Know About!

Our planet Earth is full of mysteries and mind-boggling places that seem like scenes from a sci-fi movie. Mother Nature has our own way of showing her beauty to us all, in the form of mesmerizing rivers, bright-colored seas, glowing volcanoes, and a lot more. Take a look at our top 5 strangest places on the planet, that you probably didn't know about!

1. Indonesia's Kawah Ijen Volcano spews Blue Lava

Most people don't know that the Ijen volcano, Indonesia burns blue instead of red-hot lava or so it appears from the sapphire-colored lava which makes it the world’s most unusual volcano. This volcano is situated in the Ijen crater. This phenomenon occurs when the dense sulfuric gases of the volcano come into contact with a temperature above 360 degrees. Once the gas catches fire, bright hue burns and makes the lava appear to be electric blue which can only be seen at night.

Isn’t mother nature just wonderful!

2. Tardigrades: The Only Living Creatures that can Survive in Outer Space

(Image: © Shutterstock)

If we ever go into outer space, we might die! No living being can survive in extreme conditions like in outer space. Tardigrades which are known as water bears or moss piglets not only survived in space, but the females also laid eggs.

Tardigrades are tiny creatures that are about 1mm long but can survive any pressure. Try to crush them, boil them, expose them to radiation or freeze them and to your surprise, they will still be alive.

3. South and North Poles have Flipped

Source: https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012-poleReversal.html

Scientists recognize that Earth's magnetic field has changed its polarity several times over the centuries. In other words, if you were alive some 800,000 years ago and faced with what we term north with a magnetic compass, the instrument would point to 'south,' since a magnetic compass is oriented based on the poles of Earth. Earth's magnetic north pole creeps some 40 miles a year to the north. And considering that the last big pole rotation happened 780,000 years ago, a change is due to earth.

4. There is a sea that is PINK in color!

Source: https://expotur-eco.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Salinas-de-Galerazamba-mar-rosado-en-colombia.jpg

It's called El Salar de Galerazamba and it's located on the coast of Colombia. The sea is in reality a salt mine and the vivid pink shade is induced by vibrant salt-loving microbes that generate pigmented protein to capture the energy of the sun. The vivid pink hue is usually noticeable in February and March for two months out of the year when low water levels induce a large concentration of microbes.

5. The 5 Colored River!

Source: http://blog.hihostels.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/6.-CA%C3%91O-CRISTALES-1.jpg

The River Caño Cristales, also known as “The River of Five Colors” or “Liquid Rainbow”, is located in the Serranía de la Macarena mountains. The dazzling colors come from an endemic aquatic species, named macarenia clavigera which decides the color of the river! The river continues to show vibrant hues when the water level is just right and there is ample sunshine there.
The river is not only distinctive in color, but also contains spectacular waterfalls, lakes, and caves. People who visit the river during the peak season, from the months of June to November can witness red, blue, black, yellow, and green shades and can also enjoy swimming.

Do let us know if you have come across such wonders that leave us so thrilled that we resist blinking our eyes to soak in the beauty! Feel free to hit us with your best experiences in the comments section below.

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  1. I knew about the Tardigrades. Keep more such interesting facts coming. 🤘

    1. Hey Akash! Glad that you enjoyed the blog. We surely won't disappoint you when it comes to interesting blogs!


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