10 Interesting Facts About Lord Shiva
Lord Kamadev went to Kailash Parbat to seek Lord Shiva’s help to fight a demon named ‘Tarakasura’ but Lord Shiva was meditating at that time and hence got furious that Kamadeva intervened and used his third eye to burn down Kamadeva.
3. Shiva Exists in 3 States:
There was a sage named Vishwanath who was a great devotee of Lord Shiva but was unhappy since he had no child. He lived in Kashi with his wife, Suchismati, who prayed daily to Lord Shiva.
Shiva was pleased with Vishwanath's prayers and offered to grant his wish of having a child. Shiva came into human form as their child “Grihapati”.
5. Meaning Of Shiva:
According to a verse from Vishnu Sahasranama, Shiva signifies "one who is eternally pure" or "one who can never be tainted by Rajas and Tamas."
[Gunas of Prakriti – Sattva, Rajas, Tamas]
Damru’s sound epitomizes the ever-expanding and contracting Universe. Sound is rhythm and energy. The universe as a whole is nothing but a wave function – one single wave “Advaita”.
Hence the Damru signifies the non-dual nature of the universe.
7. Lord Shiva's home; Mount Kailash, is thought to be the universe's centre. This is the only mountain range which can be located together at the base of a freshwater lake, “Mansarovar” and a saltwater lake, “Rakshas Tal”. This represents the equilibrium sought by both positive and negative energies.
After which it was borrowed by Parashurama and he then offered it to Shri Krishna.
Ravana was the greatest devotee of Lord Shiva. Ravana once tried to lift Mount Kailash but Shiva put the mountain in place with his leg and Ravana was stuck underneath for ages. He worshipped Shiva very religiously and got blessed by the Bholanath by an invincible sword and Shivas’s Atmalinga to worship.
10. Shiva Tandav:
Tandav is the cosmic dance of death which is performed at the end of a “Yuga”.
One day the goddess Sati's father wanted to hold a ceremony of worship where all the gods would be welcomed to this ritual service, and sacrifices would be made to them. But Shiva married Sati against her father's will and hence was not invited to this ceremony. Sati was profoundly hurt because of this and in rage, Sati sprung herself into the holy fire.
Shiva was in meditation, but he soon realized what his wife had done. At this point, Shiva started the “Tandava”; the whole universe was about to be destroyed in no time. All the gods tried to pacify Shiva and spread Sati’s ashes all over his body. This helped pacify the situation and Shiva stopped the Tandava and went into meditation again, profoundly disturbed by his wife's death, forgetting all his godly duties.
Only before Sati was reborn as Parvati did Shiva eventually arise from sleep. She taught him about family life, and the value of balance, through her devotion and compassion.
छान लिहिलंय,👍👍👍🙂