SEO Strategies for the B2B Sector in 2020

Are you struggling to get traffic to your B2B website?

Let’s see how we can leverage SEO for B2B brands to drive great results in 2020.

Firstly, what is B2B SEO?

B2B SEO is an advanced digital marketing system intended to help B2B site pages rank higher in web indexes, like Google and Bing. Dissimilar to SEO for B2C, the B2B world majorly focuses on keywords to influence the thought leaders inside organizations & companies at work.

Search engine optimization for B2B isn't just powerful in getting more organic traffic, but a more cost-effective way to generate leads. SEO guarantees that you get the most relevant, most quality traffic with the most elevated opportunity for lead generation & conversion.

How does B2B SEO work?

When the potential clients discover your presence on search engine results, your traffic & business may be dramatically impacted. We optimized a client’s site for relevant keywords targeted around the products & services they sincerely desired to sell.

While there are more than 200 ranking components considered by Google's Algorithm today, we can classify these enhancements into three major categories:

On-Page SEO – Majorly referring to optimization of the content like Keyword mapping, Metadata, headers, etc. and overall website design to achieve quality user experience. Such improvements can be referred to as Content SEO.

Technical SEO – Any types of Technical optimizations on the website including improving the page load speed, Structured data markup, AMP, improvising XML sitemaps, etc. comes under Technical SEO.

Off-Page SEO – Anything outside your website you can do to influence your SEO results such as creating & dealing with backlinks – links pointing towards your website.

B2B vs B2C

Does B2B SEO differ from B2C SEO?

In practice, the B2B SEO is actually very different from B2C.

Here are a few differentiating factors you can expect in B2B SEO as compared to B2C: 

Developing a B2B SEO Strategy

The first step for having a successful B2B digital presence is to increase their traffic. For a starter, the B2B environment has low traffic. It’s expected that you will get a considerable amount of lower traffic as compared to the B2C site.

Thus, to reach out to your audience you need to develop an effective B2B SEO Strategy. Focus on SEO best practices that B2B brands can leverage to drive progressive results in 2020.

Sharing across a few crucial steps to dive for effective B2B SEO Strategy:

- Your Decision Maker Persona

- Optimize for the Funnel Keywords

- Optimize Your Product and Services Pages

- Create a Valuable B2B Blog

- Build Backlinks for Your B2B Website

#1 – Create Your Buyer Persona

This will help you to accomplish your goal to target the right audience you need for your business. In B2C its quite simple to target customers you want, but in B2B is not an individual you target as a customer – it’s a business.

Depending on your business type, the target customer – i.e. decision-maker in our case could be anybody from the product manager, a CFO, or someone that’s in charge of inventory.

#2 – Optimize for the 3 Stages Funnel Keywords

As we are set with the buyer persona, it’s time to figure out what & how they search for what you sell.

The three-stage marketing funnel is a way to visualize the customer journey, which will help us to make the keyword targeting better and more intended towards the audience.

Focus on both top & bottom funnel keywords and topics. SEO is a long-term strategy that majorly covers the top of the funnel searches. In a similar manner, we’ll strategize to optimize the overall marketing funnel with a relevant set of keywords targeting.

#3 – Optimize Your Products & Service Pages

It’s important to optimize your products and services pages with respect to SEO best practices. Make sure that you have 100% unique handwritten content based on your industry offerings. Start strategizing your keywords research & mapping according to your landing pages.

Follow some best practices while doing B2B SEO -

·         Mention your keyword in your page’s H1 title and title tag

·         Make sure your page URL includes your target keyword

·         Use synonyms and variations of your main keyword

·         Write a unique meta description aimed to boost your click-through-rate

·         Try to include your keyword high up on the page (within the first 50 words or so)

      #4 – Create a Valuable B2B Blog

Blogging can help you in B2B SEO in a lot of different ways. Produce high-quality content on topics that your target customer searches for. While creating content focus more on topics that people will want to talk about, link to, and share.

Topics like a “detailed” guide or a buying guide, which is super valuable for searchers that want a single go-to resource. 

#5 Build Backlinks for Your B2B Website

Link building is a way to success for B2B SEO.

We can try out a few strategies that are designed specifically for B2B.

One such strategy is Digital PR. Digital PR efforts majorly focusing on industry blogs & news sites.

Linking to your partner pages & websites are also a great way to reach out to your audience.

The website's backlink profile is one of the main ranking factors Google considers. Thus, it is important to consider building a quality backlink for your B2B website.

Wrapping up

Hope these SEO strategies will help you make your B2B business successful. So, roll up your sleeves and start executing the SEO strategy to get success for your B2B business in 2020.

- Rewati Khare

(SEO Analyst)

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